
Share tip: Moneysupermarket is a stock for hard times

The Sunday Times

Is Moneysupermarket silently egging on recession? The comparison site thrives on Britons having emptier wallets. “Start saving serious money today,” screams its home page. Compare your car, home, life, pet and travel insurance, it begs. Find a good broadband, mobile, credit card or loan deal.

Amid the soaring cost of living, more of us will now be using its services to save money, bolstering the commission it slices from each purchase. This makes Moneysupermarket — whose shares are down 37 per cent over the past 12 months, closing last week at 173p — an obvious buy right now.

And yet it is not all systems go for the site. Revenues from energy, which contributed £70 million to turnover in 2020, have fallen to nothing over